Don’t think of it as an expense. Think of it as an investment, because that information is so valuable to you. You could transform your business with the information and interpretation you get from data you already have and have already paid for.
Whether you’re a start- up or at a more advanced stage in the business cycle (a more advanced business,) you must be able to understand where you are, where you have been, and where you are going. If you don’t know where you are going and where you have been, you will stay where you are.
You need cash flow information, sales and costs and expenses information. You need to understand what is making money and what is costing money. Who is your most valuable customer/client. What is your most valuable revenue stream and what is your least.
You need to be able to plan your everyday and your expansion dreams with valid and accurate and timely information.
We do that also.
You came to this website because you are drowning in paperwork or you cant afford an in-house accounts person or bookkeeper. You weren’t born to organise paperwork and make sense of a profit and loss report. – you were born to be an Electrician or a Plumber or Barrister or a great big business. You may have thought the “paperwork” would be easy to deal with and now you can’t even find the time to invoice your clients. Finding supplier invoices on your dining room table when your kids are trying to eat breakfast is not the way you planned it, not the vision you had. It’s the way it is. But it doesn’t need to be.
If you have big dreams then talk to us and we will help you see how you can get there.